The old Laxey Substation – with its mercury arc rectifier bulbs – could be saved and opened as a museum if a group of volunteers on the Isle of Man manage to secure funding. The old substation was replaced by new more modern technology a few years ago but the old equipment remains in place – albeit now not used for its original purpose – and now the Laxey Substation Group want to save it for posterity.
Speaking on the Isle of Man Today website, Richard Henthorn from the group, said: “Our group feel we have a unique opportunity to preserve and display this equipment as an example of the island’s industrial and tourism heritage, and recent talks about the project with the Department of Infrastructure have been positive. Using safe voltages and LED lighting techniques, we propose to bring the equipment back to life, incorporating an interactive visitor attraction and education experience, explaining how and why the equipment worked. The island was at the forefront of transport technology when the railway was built.’
It is estimated that an initial £15,000 would be required to secure the building and to start to create the new interactive display. Although some funding has been offered they remain some way short of the target. Anyone interested in the project can contact the group by emailing