Western Train to North Station!

Things you probably don’t expect to see early morning in mid-October? How about the Blackpool Western Train running fully illuminated along Talbot Road to North Station?! But that is exactly what happened on Tuesday 22nd October with the tram going onto the extension ahead of its potential use in December.

Since the extension opened in June 2024 there have just bee two trams which could be counted as heritage trams which have travelled onto the extension. These were Balloon 700 (officially not a member of the heritage fleet owing to its “B fleet” modifications allowing it to be used on LRT specials calling at platforms on the tramway) which ran several specials ahead of the full public opening (as well as a test run ahead of these) and then Balloon 723 on 29th September which ran “The Full System Tour”. But now this small group can be joined by the Western Train, although in this latest case there were no passengers on-board.

In making the announcement of the test run of the Western Train up to North Station (running from the Promenade, Carriage leading and the Loco leading back down), Blackpool Heritage Tram Tours teased that is part of something they are planning alongside I Love Blackpool and the Holiday Inn which should take place in December. More details of what they will be are due to follow closer to the time.

But back to the test runs and the Western Train ran onto the extension with its external illuminations on making quite a sight in the morning for those who may have been making their way to work! During the tests it went to both platform faces to make sure that there was nothing untoward for it if it needs to use either.

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