LRSSB release updated Safety Management Systems guidance

The Light Rail Safety and Standards Board (LRSSB) have published new guidance on the development of tramway Safety Management Systems (SMS). The guidance was developed whilst the LRSSB supported the transition of South Yorkshire Supertram into the ownership of the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA).

The document not only sets out the governance process that is an essential part of a comprehensive SMS but it also describes the typical procedures to ensure safe operation of trams, as well as the safety of workers, passengers and members of the public.

Mark Ashmore, LRSSB Head of Safety and Assurance, said: “Our work with the SYMCA provided the ideal opportunity to review existing SMS processes for the benefit of the wider sector while helping the authority to meet its statutory obligations.

“The guidance sets out how an SMS should be developed during the design, construction, testing and handover phases of either new networks or the extension of existing routes, and has been developed to align with national and international standards.

“These include ISO 45001 guidance on occupational health and safety management systems, the Office of Rail and Road’s RM3 framework, and guidance on the assessment criteria for non-mainline safety certificate and safety authorisation applications.”

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