“Picture in Time” is again on the Docklands Light Railway as we continue to go back in time to see trains in operation.
Its 7th June 2013 for this latest image as we see 94 calling at Stratford. Stratford has two DLR lines travelling through it and they are completely separate with one being a high level terminus and the other low level and a through station on the way to Stratford International. It is that second line that we feature here. Opening in 2011 this was a partial replacement for the North London Railway line and received some funding from the 2012 Olympics budget which took place close by.
94 is one of 23 Class B2K units built for the DLR in 2001 by Bombardier in Belgium. This class was the last of this type of train with the next order seeing a development and as such these trains can’t run in multiple with those. Like the B90 and B92 trains which preceded the B2Ks, these will all be withdrawn once the new CAF units finally enter service.