In Pictures: New adverts in Edinburgh

It seems to have been a little while since we had a new advert on Edinburgh Trams and suddenly we have two more to report on! Both 257 and 260 have new designs and in this article we take a look at the one on 257 in more detail.

257 had been advertising the Edinburgh International Book Festival since June 2024 but with that now having finished those vinyls have been replaced with a new advert for Edinburgh Napier University. This is a full wrap – the trams first – although at first glance you’d be hard pressed to realise that as the ad is mainly white, the same colour as normal fleet livery!

Using the slogans “MUST BE NAPIER” and “LEADING THE CHARGE” the ad includes full height over the windows ads on the third and fifth sections as normal with the remainder just being confined to the body of the tram.

This is actually the second time that 257 has advertised Edinburgh Napier University with it previously carrying a partial advert style for the institution in July and August 2022. The same university has also advertised on 264 (June-September 2023) and 269 (July-October 2021).

The other new advert to be seen in Edinburgh is on 260 – which also marks a return to service for this tram. Involved in a collision in early 2024 the tram had been carrying a full wrap for the Royal Yacht Britannia at the time (a contract which was switched to 263) with these vinyls being stripped off whilst the tram out of use.

260 is now advertising Scottish Rugby. This is another long standing advertiser on the tram with 261 (various designs November 2021-June 2024) and 275 (July 2019-November 2021) carrying ads in the past, not forgetting other companies who use their sponsorship of Scottish Rugby as a reason for an ad.

A full look at the new look for 257 as it leaves Balfour Street tramstop on Leith Walk bound for Airport.

A closer look at the Edinburgh Napier University adverts. If you look closely enough you’ll notice the background colour is slightly different to the standard fleet colours. (Both Photographs by Roy Calderwood, 1st October 2024)

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