In Pictures: A visit to Crich in June

We’re off to the Crich Tramway Village again for this pictorial article with Steven Hughes visiting the museum on Sunday 16th June 2024. This was, of course, the first day of public services on the Blackpool North Station extension and one of the trams in service at Crich on this day had a decidedly North Station link.

The tram we are talking about is Blackpool Pantograph 167. Built in 1928 this was the first of a fleet of ten trams from English Electric which were introduced as replacements for older Tramroad cars on the North Station route. The tram spent 25 years in service before being withdrawn to be converted into a works vehicle but still had a quarter of a century of operation along Dickson Road. And with 16th June being the first day of service on the new North Station route it seemed appropriate for it to be used in service at Crich.

167 was joined by Metropolitan Electric Tramways 331 and Sheffield 510 in service as part of the standard three tram operation.

167 comes along the museum street and passes The Red Lion on its way back down to Stephenson Place. Note the appropriate NORTH STATION BLACKPOOL destination blind.

Another shot of the Pantograph car as it comes to a halt at the Victoria Park/Bandstand/Entrance stop.

Enclosed double deckers were the rest of the order of the day. This included Sheffield 510 which is spotted here as it passes the depot entrance gates.

And tram number three was Metropolitan Electric Tramway 331. The tram pauses at the Entrance stop.

Not in service but stabled on the depot fan was Blackpool Standard 40. Note the LAYTON destination display – the route along Talbot Road which closed in 1936 had an ultimate destination of Layton. (All Photographs by Steven Hughes, 16th June 2024)

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