In Pictures: West Midlands Metro rail replacement work

As reported on previously on British Trams Online there is currently work ongoing on the West Midlands Metro network with three main sets of work taking place. Whilst the headline news has been the connecting of the Dudley extension to the existing network and there is also bridge works also underway, there is also key rail replacement work taking place which is what this pictorial article takes a look at.

So far, work on replacing the rails has been taking place at three locations: The Hawthorns, Kenrick Park and West Bromwich Central. The track is being replaced through the stops (a number of which have had temporary speed restrictions in place for a while) and this has required the removal of the block paving and the pedestrian crossings. Further work is required on welding the new rail and replacing the block paving and full pedestrian crossings. The full rail replacement work is due to be completed by Wednesday 10th April when the line between Wednesbury Great Western Street and Edgbaston Village is due to be reopened.

West Bromwich Central with much of the block paving removed. Note the rails are painted blue in the middle of the picture.

This is Kenrick Park where we see workers on site removing the old rails and replacing them with new. (Photographs x2 by Andy Walters, 25th March 2024)

And at The Hawthorns. This gives a rare sight of the sleepers which are hidden by the pedestrian crossing which has been removed to allow attention to the rail here. (Photograph by Mark Cufflin, 25th March 2024)

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1 Response to In Pictures: West Midlands Metro rail replacement work

  1. Andy walters says:

    The ends of the stop were solid concrete
    with the track held down by bolts and plate
    Some these bolts have rusted and cracked and broken sometimes allowing the track to spread out of gauge , these bolts were removed along with concrete base and new sleepers fitted has seen in the photo which have since had concrete poured in to fill the
    gaps between the sleepers .
    Not all the stops being repaired have had this done .

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