When Blackpool 619 was officially relaunched into service at the Heaton Park Tramway at the end of March it was confirmed that there remained a few jobs to complete to give the finished product. This includes some additional lining out on the livery as well as the application of adverts on the roof advert boards. The latter of these has now taken place with a local firm having taken out the advertising space.
J&J Fire Engineering Sprinker Specialists are now advertising on the tram with tasteful adverts having been applied which wouldn’t have looked out of place on a tram during the early part of the twentieth century (although the company wasn’t established until 1998!).
619 has been a regular performer in service at Heaton Park since the tramway reopened on 26th March – despite the fact that spring sunshine and warmer temperatures still stubbornly refuse to arrive for prolonged periods!
The Heaton Park Tramway is currently open every Sunday until 1st October and will also be open Saturdays from 3rd June to 26th August. On all operating days its open from 1200 to 1700.
Looks fantastic. Well done to all involved!