The latest four week performance statistics – 8th December 2019 to 4th January 2020 – for the Tyne and Wear Metro have now been released and there is some good (and some not so good) news included! The percentage of trains arriving on time has increased by 8% but after the low of the previous period this does mean it is still only at 73%.
That is 73% of trains which arrived within 3 minutes later or within 30 seconds earlier than scheduled, whereas the previous four weeks had seen just 65%. As a comparison the figure in the same four weeks for 2019 was 80%.
What isn’t clear in these stats is whether this is the number of services which were due to run following the withdrawal of trains with the overtime ban and the two day strike or if they have been discounted. Two issues are given on the poster as usual, 19th December and an overhead line failure at Wansbeck Road and 23rd December when a train failed at Byker.
This poster also gives the results of the latest satisfaction survey which was held during November 2019. This apparently gives an overall satisfaction rating of 7.6 out of 10, but considering the regular service disruption it begs the question who do they ask?!