The latest two sets of Manchester Metrolink performance figures have now been released and they both show a small dip in trams running on time falling from the 90.5% of the previous period we reported on to 90% and then 89.25%. This is the lowest percentage for some time but there doesn’t seem to be any particular big reason for this fall with just a number of small incidents combining.
The two periods being reviewed are 13th October to 9th November (period 8) and 10th November to 9th December (period 9) and as we have come to expect there are varying experiences on each line during these periods.
Looking at the punctuality and at least this shows some consistency as the Altrincham line was the top performer in both periods with 95.3% on trams on time in period 8 and 95.1% in period 9 and the Eccles line was at the other end of the scale with 86.5% (period 8) and 85% (period 9).
There were also extra cancellations in period 9 with 0.41% recorded in period 8 rising to 0.55% in the latter four weeks. The number of journeys running short were also on the up rising from 0.45% to 0.56%.
Its more of a positive picture for reliability (that’s the percentage of planned miles which operated) as it has now remained at 99.1% for three periods in a row. In both periods under review all lines were around the same figure with the lowest of either period being the Ashton line in period 9 which had a figure of 98.1%. Interestingly the Ashton ended up bottom in both periods, albeit with a slightly different figure.
The reports also give the usual details of reasons for potential poor performance and this time around includes:
* 16th, 17th October, 5th, 7th November: Staff shortages
* 17th, 19th, 27th, 29th October, 21st, 25th November, 4th December: infrastructure failures
* 23rd October: network wide communications fault
* 26th October, 8th November: vehicles blocking the tracks
* 21st October, 4th, 7th November, 1st December: Road traffic collision
* You can read the full reports on the TfGM website.