Work to replace 1.6km of track on the Tyne and Wear Metro in Gateshead is nearing completion following two weekend closures. One further weekend closure will be required to complete the work which is part of a £8 million project to replace Metro tracks south of the River Tyne.
So far 260 metres of track was replaced over the weekend of 13th/14th April between Gateshead and Gateshead Stadium with the Easter weekend seeing 800 metres of new track laid between Gateshead Stadium and Felling. The last stage of works – which take place over the Bank Holiday weekend of 4th to 6th May – will see a further 600 metres replaced between Gateshead Stadium and Felling.
Michael Ellison, Acting Director of Rail and Infrastructure, said: “We’re investing £8m in new Metro tracks south of the Tyne and I’m grateful to our customers for their patience while the work has been carried out over recent weekend line closures. A whole kilometre of track in Gateshead has now been replaced and the rest will be done over the forthcoming bank holiday weekend. There is never a good time to close a Metro line but we need to do this work and Metro is not as busy at weekends. Track replacement is absolutely vital for us to secure Metro’s long term future.”