It’s not often that when you think of a tram restoration you think of it as taking place in Wales, but that is, of course, exactly where the major restoration of Glasgow 488 – repatriated from France last year – is being undertaken. More specifically the work is being done by the renowned Boston Lodge workshops at the Ffestiniog Railway and a recent Behind the Scenes weekend at the railway allowed David Mee to provide us with this update on recent progress on restoring the tram to operational condition.
The main focus of work continues to be the lower deck and since we last reported on the restoration in May a lot seems to have been achieved. All external panelling is now in place and the paint has been applied to a very high standard. The internal panelling and roof is immaculate with a highly reflective mirror finish to the ceiling. The workshops are also home to the staircases and these have been refurbished awaiting refitting. The upper deck is still stored outside but it is planned, with work on the lower deck progressing so well, that this will soon be moved inside for a full refurbishment to take place.
It is planned that when the work is completed that 488 will make the trip to the East Anglia Transport Museum and enter the operational fleet there. It was originally expected that this would be in 2015 but it is not known whether the fact that more work than originally thought is required has delayed this completion date.
* You can find full details on the restoration of 488 on the official website at
Absolutely stunning. Hopefully this splendid work acts a reminder to groups sat on large sums of money for projects that they simply dont have the workshop capacity to complete that their are groups more than capable of doing the work to very high standard and preventing scant resources deflating as interest rates remain stubbornly low
good to know that there are still highly skilled craftsmen capable of undertaking work of this standard. Boston Lodge now has a fantastic reputation.