Winter Saloons in the works on the MER

Its still a couple of months before services will resume for another year on the Manx Electric Railway but there is still plenty of activity taking place in the Derby Castle Workshops. Several of the Winter Saloons have been seeing attention, with one motor getting ready for its first use since the end of 2022.

It was December 2022 – when used on Santa Specials – that Winter Saloon 19 last ran in service, after which time it was withdrawn to allow a major overhaul to take place. This has seen repairs to the bodywork, a complete repaint into the 1900s livery style and an overhaul/rebuild of the bogies (completed by a local contractor). The tram will now go through a full period of testing before it returns to service at some point in 2025.

With the work on 19 now having reached a conclusion (save for its testing of course), attention has now been turned to sister car 20. This tram is enjoying a full overhaul of its bodywork which has included external panelling being removed whilst the seats have been removed to allow all areas of the tram to be treated.

And to complete the trio of Winter Saloons enjoying some TLC is 22 which is being treated to a repaint. This should be completed in time for it to play an important role in the operating season when that gets underway in March.

Of course, its not just the Winter Saloons which are being worked on over the closure period either. Volunteers are continuing the overhaul of Trailer 46 at Laxey Car Sheds whilst there are also repaints in hand for Trailers 41 and 48.

The 2025 season on the Manx Electric Railway gets underway on Tuesday 18th March 2025.

  • Want to get all the latest news from the Manx Electric Railway? Visit the Manx Electric Railway Online Facebook page at where there are also regular historic photos posted as well.
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