Flooding which affected the Nottingham Express Transit line at Wilford Lane in early January included sewage leading to a large clean-up bill for the tram operator it has been revealed.
Although the flooding was not as deep as that seen in early 2024, this time it was not just water which covered the tracks with some of the ballast being contaminated and likely to need replacing. An estimate has been given that this will cost between £100,000 and £200,000.
Trevor Stocker, Head of Operations at Nottingham Trams Limited, said: “This is something again really that Severn Trent needs to be looking at as to how they can control that better in that area. We have plans that we need to replace that ballast because it is contaminated, but it is no good doing all of that work if next winter we are in this position. There is work needed in that area to understand what is happening there off the tram network.”