We have another trip to Blackpool Promenade for this latest edition of “Out and About”.

With the winter tram service only seeing a 15 minute daytime frequency along the tramway between Starr Gate and Fleetwood Ferry the number of trams out is pretty low but the continued training of new drivers does often add an extra vehicle out onto the tramway. On this visit 001 was in use for this purpose as seen here. The Tower is seen in the background as it heads south between St Chad’s Road and Waterloo Road.

And more colour was out on the tramway in the form of 012 in its advertising livery for Blackpool Pleasure Beach. This side-on view shows many of the attractions that Pleasure Beach has to offer.

Its February and so the weather starting to take a turn for the worse is not very far away. The sunshine of the earlier photos has been replaced by grey skies as 012 is joined by 015 at Waterloo Road as the two trams head in their respective directions. (All Photographs by Donald Brooks, 19th February 2024)