Review of light rail safety document completed

A document which sets out the core principles of light rail safety has been reissued to the industry after a review was completed by sector experts. More than 200 amendments have been made to the Tramway Principles and Guidance (TPG1) which was first published by the Office of Road and Rail over a decade ago.

Minor changes had been made to the document over the past few years but this is the first time that there has been a fundamental update by the Light Rail Safety and Standards Board (LRSSB). It reflects the organisation’s central role in driving tramway safety standards and takes into account changes to legislation, advances in technology and the latest working practices.

Carl Williams, LRSSB Chief Executive, said: “The re-issue of TPG1 marks the completion of a major project to streamline the document, signposting colleagues to further guidance on specific topics that can be updated on a more regular basis. It now focuses more clearly on the overarching principles of tramway safety, using the most appropriate terminology to ensure it meets the government’s recommendations for functional standards.

“The new version is also more intuitive to use, making it easier for colleagues to find the information they need to make informed decisions on all matters relating to tramway safety.”

The review also aims to bring the document into line with more than 40 individual guidance documents published by the LRSSB since it was founded in 2019.

The revised document has now been signed off by the ORR and can be viewed online at

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