And repeat! One thing you can say for the constant movement of West Midlands Metro trams is that at least it seems to be keeping heavy haulage companies in business! As alluded to in our article yesterday there has now been another tram move with 31 this time taking trip on the back of a lorry to make more room at the depot during the redevelopment works.
31 – which carries the name Cyrille Regis MBE 1958-2018 along with special vinyls – is one of the few Urbos3 trams which has not recently gone for a road trip as it isn’t one of those which has gone for off-site repairs at either Wolverton Works or the Very Light Rail Innovation Centre at Dudley. But that changed on Wednesday 7th February when it was chosen to be the next to go to the Harry Needle site at Worksop.
The tram was loaded up in time for departure shortly before 1000. Reid Freight again undertook the move on behalf of West Midlands Metro.
- In other West Midlands Metro tram news, 46 was involved in a collision with a lorry in Birmingham City Centre on Wednesday 7th February. The coming together happened on Broad Street and led to no trams running between Edgbaston Village and Library. No injuries were reported with the West Midlands Ambulance Service confirming they were not called to the scene. The tram suffered some damage to side including to one set of doors.