It was the night before Christmas when all was calm – but as we return to Crich for another look at one of the photo line-ups we have seen in recent years it was anything but quiet as its one of the most impressive line-ups seen. This one featured five of Glasgow’s best.
This Glasgow tram line-up was formed to mark the 50th anniversary of the closure of Glasgow Corporation Tramway’s final tram route. A special event across two days – 15th and 16th September 2022 – had a major Glasgow theme which saw Paisley 68 relaunched as Glasgow 1068 and Glasgow 1282 back in service. As is usually the case at enthusiast events at Crich there was a line-up on the depot fan and of course this too had a Glasgow theme. Both days saw the same line-up which featured five trams – each showcasing a different route colour livery from Glasgow. The five trams were to be 22, 812, 1068, 1115 and 1282. For many this was the first chance to see 1115 back out in the open having for many years been in the “Trams at Night” exhibition within the Exhibition Hall.