Blackpool Balloon 715 – owned by the Fylde Transport Trust – is now officially withdrawn from service after running a special Farewell Tour during the afternoon and evening of Saturday 19th November 2022. It had been announced during the summer that a mutual decision had been reached by the FTT and Blackpool Transport Services to take the tram out of service and put it on static display at Tramtown and this special tour was the last chance to both ride and see the double decker out on the Promenade.
Departing from Hopton Road in the early afternoon 715 got to traverse the entire length of the Blackpool Tramway from Fleetwood in the north and Starr Gate in the south. This included many rarely covered sections of the tramway such as the Thornton Gate centre line and various lines through Starr Gate Depot. The tour – which included a break during the early evening to allow participants to either do either afternoon or evening or both! – concluded with a tour through the illuminations before it returned to Hopton Road and then the depot once more.
The decision to withdraw 715 has been taken as it due some major workshop attention having not enjoyed a full overhaul for a number of decades. With the FTT having a plethora of projects they wish to progress 715 will not go through the works for some time and so it will go on static display at Rigby Road Depot so anyone who enjoys a Tramtown tour will still be able to see the popular second series Balloon Car, albeit not with it running anymore. As with all FTT owned trams situated at Tramtown it has received a label in its window to make it clear who owns the tram and where you can go and get more information.
The withdrawal of 715 means that the FTT currently have only one operational tramcar – Brush 621. But its hoped that position will change in the near future with work at different stages in the restorations of Standard 143, Brush 634, Coronation 304 and Railcoach 279.
It is good to see 715 safe and sound in the depot (Tramtown) now away from all risk of traffic accident and the harsh elements of the Blackpool seafront. It is to be hoped that 304 can be made ready for the Coronation of our new King next May, although previous royal occasions have been marked with the use of a Brush Car (634 in 1977 and 627 at Pleasure Beach in 2012). One could claim that these trams are every bit as regal as the ‘Coronation’ Class, as they were introduced around the time of the Coronation of King George VI, somewhat like the Glasgow Coronations. In its original form, the Brush Car was a tram fit for a King. Therefore, albeit their only operational tram, FTT have an excellent standby for the upcoming royal event in 621.
I think it’s important that trams owned by the FTT carry reference to the fact that they are part of the FTT’s collection. In that way, visitors to Tramtown can see how important amicable collaboration is in the tram preservation movement and that the FTT are major and valuable players to this end and worthy of support, financial or otherwise, in their own right.
Keep up – they all carry FTT info signs!!