Following a comprehensive review of fares on Nottingham Express Transit a new fare structure has been announced with many of tickets remaining at current levels although there will also be some increases. Day and weekly tickets will remain at their current price (£3.50 and £15 respectively) when the new structure is introduced from 5th May with others seeing a small decrease or increase.
Speaking about the fare changes, Phil Hewitt, Chief Executive of Tramlink Nottingham, said: “During the review we took into account customer feedback and as a result we’ve replaced the £2.50 peak time single fare and the £1.90 standard single fare with a £2 single ticket that’s valid any time of the day. We worked hard on the new fare structure for customers and are delighted to be able to hold the prices on our most popular tickets – despite making a significant investment in the network. We’ve started a major refurbishment of the existing tram fleet, begun a series of projects to upgrade NET Line One and introduced smart new uniforms for staff across the network.”
There will be increases to the child day ticket (now £2) and tickets purchased through PayPoint will also see rises. An adult weekly ticket purchased this way will now be £16, an adult 30 day ticket £48 and the Child weekly ticket will increase to £8.
Amongst the fares being frozen are the aforementioned day and weekly tickets purchased on board the tram, the child single fare (£1) and the adult 10 trip ticket purchased from PayPoint outlets (£17).
It has also been decided to remove the peak and off peak single fares (currently £2.50 and £1.90) and replace them with a flat single fare valid at all times which will be £2 (so an increase for off peak passengers but a significant decrease for peak travellers).
It is also planned that in the future tram users will be able to purchase monthly tickets through the website and these will cost £45 (adults) and £22.50 (children). These tickets will also be available at the new City Centre NET shop due to open this summer.