York Place, in Edinburgh city centre, is to re-open to traffic on Friday 6th September following the completion of tramway construction works – this will be four months ahead of the revised schedule. The re-opening of York Place means that the majority of the tram infrastructure is now in place between Princes Street and the east end of York Place ahead of the opening of the tramway which is still scheduled for some time in 2014 (further details of just when the tramway might open are likely at the end of this month when a report is presented to a full Council meeting).
There still remains some work to be completed on York Place in connection with the tramway but the majority of this is likely to take place during the night although some may impact on traffic flows through the area. This work will include underground cables being pulled through already installed ducts under the street and further construction work on the tram stop. Once these are completed the next action on York Place is likely to be the testing and commissioning of the tramway.
Cllr Lesley Hinds, Transport Convener on the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “The city centre has come a long way in twelve months with Princes Street opening, St Andrew Square fully accessible, overhead wires installed throughout the city centre and York Place reopened. Our target remains to have a service up and running by summer next year but we’ll bring this date forward if we can. However, there is still some construction work to be completed and, following that, a major programme of testing, commissioning and driver training. We are now in final stages of the tram project construction phase and while this is a relief, it’s also an opportunity for our city. We want to develop a new approach where transport options are fully integrated – a system that will benefit residents and visitors whilst ensuring that Edinburgh is well positioned in the eyes of potential investors who can create jobs for residents.”
Most traffic will be able to use York Place from Friday 6th September but buses will have to wait just that little bit longer as they will be unable to run via this route until Sunday 8th September. Three new traffic signal controlled junctions have been installed at North St Andrew Street, Elder Street and Broughton Street and these will be available to be used by all traffic whilst buses will continue to use their previous routes. All of the sections of tram track on York Place will only be available for trams.