What’s New on British Trams Online?

Off to the United States again for a collection of photos from a type of line we don’t often feature on British Trams Online this week:

Gallery 858: Around the World in Trams – Fenelon Place Elevator Company, Iowa

We have also updated the Blackpool Tramway (photo links), Edinburgh Trams and Manchester Metrolink (photo links) Fleet Lists.

The Events Diary has been updated with events removed as a result of the Coronavirus.

Speaking of which I repeat the message on the homepage about the Coronavirus which hopefully reiterates what most people are doing anyway…

With the new restrictions put in place in the UK as a result of the continuing Coronavirus pandemic the country is having to adapt to the new way of things with social distancing and self-isolation vital to help slow the spread of the virus. Tramways are not immune to these changes and as I type these notes all heritage tramways which had already started running for 2020 have announced their suspension until further notice whilst many tram and light rail systems are also reducing their service in light of lower passenger numbers. These are necessary steps in the fight against COVID-19 and we urge everyone to adhere to these – the sooner this happens, the hope is the sooner we can start to get back to normality. Everyone who reads this website likes trams but at the moment there are far more important things going on in the world.

Obviously, these restrictions will have a big impact on British Trams Online for the immediate future as there will be limited news to report and very few new photos to include in the gallery section. However, for the time being, we will continue to update the site on a daily (News & Features) and weekly (the “main” site) basis. We will be relying heavily on our archive and photos from overseas during this period but remain committed to bringing you a bit of tram happiness during this difficult period!

Keep safe everyone and don’t forget the more vulnerable members of society at this time.

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