In Pictures: Balloon 718 on LRT specials – including a trip to Fleetwood

Over the summer the use of a B fleet Balloon on LRT specials (calling at the regular platforms and not the heritage stops) has not been that an uncommon sight. This has tended to be 718 but 700 did make at least one appearance on these runs, the majority of which have operated between Starr Gate and Tower. But on Friday 23rd August 718 was able to spread its wings a bit further as it operated a special all the way north to Fleetwood.

Friday 23rd September had seen problems for the core service at the start of the day with Storm Lillian (the first time the UK has got as far as the letter L since they started to name storms which probably gives a pretty good indication of the quality of the weather this year!) damaging the overhead. Overhead line crews had to see to the wires at Cabin before trams could be allowed to operate through this area.

But the highlight for many – enthusiasts especially – was that 718 was allocated to work a special from Starr Gate to Fleetwood and then back to Fleetwood. Harking back to the pre-upgrade days when trams would be sent on Market Day specials to help clear the crowds, that is exactly what happened with 718 on 23rd August. The tram has often been on loan to Heritage Tram Tours so it is no stranger to running to Fleetwood, although won’t have that regularly done so whilst potentially calling at all stops on the way, even less so since repainted back in green and cream.

Road-rail Unimog 939 was being used to help repair the overhead at Cabin.

As 009 comes towards the camera at Gynn Square in the distance we spot 718 which is off north to Fleetwood as its very helpful large destination display tells us!

At Fleetwood – on the Esplanade – with 718 about to head back to Blackpool with a special running to Pleasure Beach.

718 makes its way through the streets of Fleetwood on the way back to Pleasure Beach.

Into the afternoon and 718 was back on its more usual workings as it operates a special to Tower. It passes Flexity2 012 at Harrow Place.

And back to Starr Gate as it heads along the Prom. (All Photographs by Steven Hughes, 23rd August 2024)

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