In Pictures: Burton & Ashby 14 in service at Statfold Barn Railway

Burton & Ashby 14, the sole tram at the Statfold Barn Railway, is once again ready for service in 2024 with it being used at special events which take place at the railway. With no overhead at the railway the 3’6” gauge tram runs on battery power as it has done ever since it was restored following repatriation from Detroit in the United States of America. Its first use for 2024 was over the weekend of 16th and 17th March with it in passenger service all day rather than the few hours per day its seen use at other recent events.

The Statfold Barn Railway is a lot more than just a single tramcar (as exciting as that may be for tram enthusiasts of course) with it being home to different railways of varying gauges as well as having a museum with many locomotives both serviceable and not operational. It now opens more regularly with general opening days seeing one of the railway lines in service (although no guarantee of it being a steam loco). The best bet to see the tram is at one of the special events though. Check out for more details of when it is open for a chance to see the railways and tram.

It’s a full load for 14 as it gets set to depart with a journey along the tramway.

And another photo of Burton & Ashby 14. (Both Photographs by David Mee, 16th March 2024)

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1 Response to In Pictures: Burton & Ashby 14 in service at Statfold Barn Railway

  1. Mark Andrew Pardoe says:

    I understand from “World’s Fair” the Dingles Museum is closing at the end of this year and quite a large part of the collection will be transferred to Stotfold. This will bring great interest from fairground enthusiasts.

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