Today we feature a small selection of photos taken at Crich Tramway Village on a glorious Tuesday 25th June. This was a typical summer weekday at the museum with two trams in service, supplemented by the Access Tram as required. Thanks to regular British Trams Online contributor and Heaton Park Tramway volunteer, Joe Savage for providing these images.
The two cars in service on this day were Blackpool ‘Boat’ 236 and Glasgow 1068: both highly appropriate choices considering the weather. These trams were of course two of the stars of 2012 and both were nominated for our very own ‘Tram of the Year’ award, whilst both have continued to make headlines during 2013. 236 was recently fitted with strings of orange light bulbs which have further enhanced its appearance, although these have apparently not yet been ‘wired up’, whilst 1068 of course enjoyed a high-profile operating loan period at Beamish Museum earlier this year. This tram was only expected to see restricted use following its repaint into Glasgow livery last year, but has now become one of Crich’s most regular performers, proving that there’s plenty of life left in the old girl yet!
The only other tram to venture onto the main line on this day was Berlin 3006 which is normally only used as requested by visitors who are unable to board the other trams, and this day was no exception. When not in use, 3006 was stabled on the spare track at Town End.

The newly fitted coloured bulbs on Blackpool 'Boat' car 236 are shown off well in this short of the tram arriving at Town End terminus on June 25th.

One last scene from Crich Town End taken from the top deck of Glasgow 1068, with 3006 now stabled on the spare track and 236 on a crew break.