Sunderland 16’s completion delayed

The long-running remedial work on Sunderland 16 to return this attractive tram to service at Beamish Museum is still ongoing, thanks to a number of unforeseen circumstances which have conspired to delay the completion of this project. It had been hoped that 16 would be ready for traffic by Easter, but this now looks extremely unlikely thanks to the latest setbacks.

Some of the work on 16‘s truck has been undertaken by Blackpool Transport on a contract basis. Although the wheelsets have now been returned to Beamish, the motors are still under attention at Blackpool although it is hoped that they will return soon. At Beamish, investigation into various components may have revealed the reason behind the excessive running noise created by this tram, as well as the high level of wear on its tyres. An issue has come to light with the axle boxes which appear to be misaligned, due to a problem with the hornguides. Some problems with the pendulums have also been identified, which were not apparent when the truck was previously overhauled by another contractor some years ago. Although the truck was salvaged from parts of a scrapped Leeds Horsfield car, the tram had never run as well as Leeds 180 at Crich and this may well explain why. Add in some potential issues with the suspension, and it can be appreciated why what was originally expected to be a fairly routine job is taking so long to finish!

Whilst the delays experienced in getting Sunderland 16 fit for service again are obviously disappointing, it is pleasing to see such a high level of work being undertaken on this tram. As well as looking fantastic with recently applied period style advertisements and revarnished paintwork, the car should operate better than ever before since restoration, and will hopefully be fit for many years of regular service once it is completed.

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