Members of the UKTram Operators Group (LROG) have been updated on a new Department for Transport (DfT) backed campaign which aims to raise awareness of the issue of rough sleepers in city’s across the country.
Steve Duckering, UKTram Operations Manager, recently represented the light rail sector at the Rough Sleeping on Public Transport Forum. Following that he has called on operators to assist the campaign and urged them to get in touch with StreetLink directly.
Steve said: “As a leading organisation in public transport, we were advised that we can play a vital role in reaching thousands of people daily who may come across someone sleeping rough. By sharing StreetLink communications, they can help members of the public and staff get in touch if they have concerns about anyone they see, either on the tramway or anywhere else. Once StreetLink is alerted, outreach teams can then provide support for the rough sleeper.”
As well as updates on this new campaign, the latest meeting also included updates from networks across the UK and a tour of the new Tram-Train depot in Cardiff.
Steve added: “The tour provided a fascinating insight into the progress being made on this unique project, and we would like to thank Transport for Wales for hosting the meeting, the first LROG event to be held in Wales.”
So women going home late at night will be actively discouraged from using Trams and Buses, due to the intimidating presence of ” Rough Sleepers”! What a brilliant idea!!!
And it says that above where?
Did you not want to publish my comment? Happy New Year, and thanks for the info you put on this website.