Picture in Time: Blackpool Boat 604

Its another edition of “Picture in Time” which goes back to 1977 in Blackpool.

This photo features Boat Car 604 and shows it from the bridge approaching Tower. The destination blinds present a rather confused picture as the side blind tells us its going to Cabin and the end blind Manchester Square. The tram is heading south here and its thought it was going to Manchester Square and then depot (it could well be that with their shift coming to an end when the crew got to Cabin on a previous journey they wanted a quick turnaround so didn’t change all the blinds!).

At this time 604 was operating with the single screen windscreen and was carrying the simplified cream and green fleet livery complete with Corporation crests. Retained as part of the Heritage fleet in Blackpool, the tram returned to its original number of 230 but hasn’t run since 2016 with it requiring a rewire before being cleared for service again.

Photograph by Donald Brooks, August 1977

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