Stop by Stop Nottingham Express Transit: Clifton South line – Clifton South

For the last time we take a look at one of the stops on the Nottingham Express Transit line to Clifton South, which is Clifton South.

Clifton South is the twelfth stop we have featured on this line and it is reached after the tram travels from Summerwood Lane for a further short distance on Farnborough Road before crossing Nottingham Road/Clifton Lane. The tram then runs along a reserved section of track on the approach to the Clifton South stop. The stop has space for three trams on two platform faces with one of these being double length and giving platforms A and C. The stop has full length canopies plus toilets and there is a kiosk which is now a community hub. It also has a large Park and Ride site with easy bus interchange too.

And that brings an end to our trip on the Clifton South line! Stop by Stop will continue next week but we will move on from Nottingham.

Looking from the buffer stops at the Clifton South stop we see the two platform faces with platform A on the left and platform B on the right. The third platform – C – can just bee seen beyond platform A.

217 stands at Clifton South in platform A. This image is taken from the edge of the Park and Ride site.

224 arrives at Clifton South passing platform C as it approaches platform A. To complete the photo is taken from platform B. (All Photographs by Gareth Prior, 19th September 2020)

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