Crich launch appeal for funds

There can be no doubting that one of the major impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic has been financial for many businesses and organisations across the country. The Crich Tramway Village has now been fully closed for over two months (last opening day was 21st March 2020) with several high-profile and usually popular special events having also been lost in this time. This has led to no visitor income during this period (not only the general admission but also the money spent in the shops and catering outlets) and although it has been possible to furlough the majority of staff there are still many other fixed costs which still need to be covered. The museum have now launched a public fundraising campaign to help cover these costs.

Crich’s main source of income comes from visitors with no statutory or local authority funding given to the museum and a two month closure so far is bound to have an impact on covering the remaining costs. Funding from outside sources has been applied for in the present climate but still more cash will be needed to keep things going.

There is a strong likelihood that even if the museum is able to open to the public again over the summer it will only be on a limited basis with the higher earning special events not able to take place. Obviously, this remains guess work at the present time as no-one knows how the situation will unfold and these remain uncertain times for all businesses, none more so than those who rely on tourism for the bulk of their business.

In a statement the Crich Tramway Village have said: “Our losses this year will be immense and potentially crippling, whilst we are currently surviving on our reserves many of these have been given to us for specific purposes and cannot be used to support our ongoing viability. Please help us to keep the Museum in existence if you can.”

To help support for the future of the museum you can donate in three ways:

* Via the website at (selecting “General Museum Fund”

* By online banking/direct transfer: sort code 20-20-50, account number 30885231

* By cheque payable to “Tramway Museum Society” and sent to National Tramway Appeal, Crich Tramway Village, Crich, Matlock, DE4 5DP

If you are a taxpayer you can “Gift Aid” your donation by completing this form.

With the Crich Tramway Village having been completely closed since 21st March 2020, the usual funds the museum gets from admission and visitors spending within the museum site has completely gone. Despite the fact that they have been able to furlough the vast majority of staff to save come costs there are still many fixed costs which can’t be saved and with the possibility that any opening in 2020 will be small scale at best this situation is likely to continue for some time yet.

Having celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Crich site in 2019, 2020 is proving to be one of the most challenging years since the Tramway Museum Society achieved their aspiration of setting up a public museum and any help you can give will be gratefully received.

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