NET launch new safety campaign

Nottingham Express Transit have launched a new campaign aimed at promoting key safety messages to young people asking them to use their common sense when around the trams.

It has been designed to highlight the dangers of “foolhardy behaviour” and to try and prevent anti social behaviour around the tram network. A series of school visits are being organised with leaflets and a new video designed to accompany these. The campaign is also being supported by Nottingham City Council’s youth services team.

Louis Walmsley, NET Head of Safety, said: “Trams rank among the safest forms of public transport and we want it to stay that way. Although we don’t have a major problem, we do have incidents involving young people which from time to time simply beggar belief. It really comes down to a question of foolhardy behaviour and even a single incident is one too many. Throwing objects at passing trams and playing far too close to the tracks can put lives in danger and we need to drive that message home to young people – it’s their city’s tram network and they need to use it safely and with consideration for others. Most of our messages are actually a matter of common sense, but that doesn’t mean they don’t bear repeating. We all benefit from a few safety pointers from time to time. It’s all about promoting a better understanding of tram safety.”

* Full details of the campaign can be found on the NET website on a dedicated safety page.

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