NET works to start on Wilford Toll Bridge

Works on Wilford Toll Bridge as part of the construction of the Nottingham Express Transit Phase Two line to Clifton are due to commence later this month. Preparatory works are expected to commence from Monday 20th August providing that Nottingham City Council approve the plans for the line in this area. The bridge has listed status and as such any alterations have to be approved before they can be made but the outline permission was given as a result of a Public Inquiry in 2007.

Speaking about the proposed work to the bridge a spokesman from the City Council said: “Nottingham City Council recognises that the bridge is an important historical feature, and the contractor will undertake the works carefully to ensure that the impact on the bridge is minimised. The city council already has listed building consent and we are satisfied that the information the contractor is providing should be sufficient to meet the conditions.”

Assurances have also been given that any closures of the bridge will be minimal and that the pedestrian and cycle bridge will remain open on schooldays.

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