The second stage of Blackpool Balloon car 701‘s repaint back into its fondly remembered red and white ‘Routemaster’ style livery is now almost complete. Following its debut in an incomplete version of the paint scheme it previously carried in the early 1990s over the August Bank Holiday weekend, 701 was hastily returned to the Rigby Road Paint Shop for some further enhancements to an already stunning repaint.
The full ornate black and white lining out – a feature of this livery first time around – has now been faithfully recreated and the end result looks absolutely stunning. One small compromise to the authenticity of the finished tram has been the addition of Fylde Tramway Society logos on the staircase panels, recognising the organisation’s generosity in funding the repaint. Thankfully these logos look more tasteful than some FTS adverts previously applied to trams that have benefitted from the Society’s financial support, and as 701 carried between-deck adverts when it was last painted red and white these logos do not detract too much from its appearance.
Once the tram has been treated with varnish to protect its immaculate paintwork, it will be available for use and will hopefully be used on illumination tours in the near future. The Blackpool Heritage Trust will confirm when the tram is expected to make its debut, so that enthusiasts can enjoy this tram in completed Routemaster livery for the first time since 1993. Indeed, the Trust have frequently provided advance notice of which trams will be used on illumination tours through the heritage tours’ Facebook page, and it is hoped that this highly commendable move will contribute to a highly successful season for the tours.

A glimpse of the completed Routemaster livery on Balloon 701, seen in Blackpool Transport's Paint Shop with the full lining out and FTS logos in evidence. (Photo courtesy of Blackpool Heritage Tram Tours Facebook page)
Have just seen photo of 701, looks superb.Really hope that this tram will feature in the illuminations.Once again, well done Blackpool Transport and to everyone involved.
Looks superb apart from the ridiculously oversized FTS logo which spoils an otherwise authentic repaint.What a shame this had to be included when a plaque inside could have sufficed without compromising the look of the tram.
I think it fits in well with the livery, and you have to ask yourself what would be 701’s current appearance if the FTS hadn’t paid for the repaint.
Another point though is that, if the FTS have to be acknowledged with such a prominent advertisement, why wasn’t this the case with Boat 236 at Crich as well? I do think 701 looks superb with or without the logos, but it is strange that the sponsors have different rules for Blackpool and Crich.
is it that the FTS have different rules for different places or that Blackpool and Crich have different attitudes to supporters and donors? One is greatful for support and wants to acknowledge the FTS contribution, the other takes them for granted?
Suppose the question is how many of the people who donated wanted a large roundel slapped on the side? Personally think it detracts from a wonderful job at repainting it. The FTS enjoy various benefits because of their close relationship (discounted hire costs, depot tours, tram advertising (147, 600 Most recently), acknowledgement in written media including Blackpools recent publication. Whereas Crich seemingly able to get away with far less even when the money involved is considerably higher.
As one of the many FTS members who contributed to the repaint, I personally am ambivalent as to whether external promotion of the society is strictly necessary – funding the repaint was in no way conditional on the logo being displayed so prominently. I didn’t expect to see it there, but there is certainly some truth in Brian’s comment above; it is nice that BTS wish to acknowledge the FTS’s contribution (however it is shown), and it does make us as donors feel appreciated when donations to other causes might not even get any public acknowledgment at all.
Personally I think that it is good that the Trust have publicly acknowledged the financial support they have received, in contrast to certain other groups not too far away who have demonstrated contempt for enthusiasts. Let’s not start pulling the Trust to bits over something so trivial after all that has been achieved in the last couple of years, and what undoubtedly will be achieved in the future. 701 looks excellent, logo or no logo.
It’s a logo for goodness sake! 701 ran with full length adverts for Blackpool Transports Travel Card , back in 1991!! Would people rather a little plaque inside and full length adverts for ‘The Manchester Pub’ externally?
No, thought not!
John – I think many people would love the Travelcard advert! I didn’t think anything could be worse than the FTS advertising on 147 but somehow this manages to stand out even more!
I really don’t see the problem here. It’s not as if it’s bright pink with blue spots! In fact I’d go as far to say that it actually compliments the livery and blends in nicely. I think the wooden boards over the doors on 600 look far worse than this…