The Manx Electric Railway Society have expressed fears that the northern section of the MER between Laxey and Ramsey may not be able to open on 4th April because of a landslip close to the tracks at Ballaglass a couple of months ago.
The landslip occurred close to Ballaglass power station and although the need was not immediate no-one from Isle of Man Railways has yet been to the site to make an assessment of what work is required to allow trams to run through the area. With around five weeks to go until the planned start of the 2014 season the Manx Electric Railway Society have now called upon the government to make an assessment to avoid a closure of the northern section of the line, which could prove costly to some businesses.
Shortly after the MERS expressed their concerns a report in the local media on the Isle of Man quoted members of the Isle of Man government responding to the issue. This included Colin Kniveton, chief executive of the Department of Community, Culture and Leisure, who said: “Ballaglass is one of a number of weather related problems that we are currently responding to. To the best of my knowledge, the cause of the problem and the necessary remedial works have yet to be fully assessed. This process is ongoing.”
Work is also continuing at Laxey where the major relay of track there is scheduled to be complete in time for the line to re-open on 4th April.