Tramlink 2548 receives all over advert

Recently all our attention on London Tramlink has been on the Variotrams and their exploits on test and in service but at the start of this week a surprise appeared on the tramway in the form of 2548 in an all over advert! The vinyl wrap advert is for Walls’ Magnum Infinity and was first noted on the tram on Monday 2nd April.

The vinyl wrap covers almost the entire tram although the majority of the windows have been left blank (with limited contravision on some). The main colour of the advert is pink and the tram retains the Tramlink roundels actually on the advertising vinyls. It has been reported in the local media that 2548 will retain this advert until 13th May and is part of a major advertising campaign by Walls for the launch of the Magnum Infinity.

The last time a tram in the Tramlink fleet was not carrying standard livery (either the original Red and White or the new Lime Green, White and Blue) was in 2008 when 2552 had an advert for Grants which still left the ends in red and white.

This is the second time that 2548 has had an all over advert applied following on from one for The Simpsons Movie in late 2007/early 2008. It is also, of course, not the first time that Walls have advertised on a tram with several notable examples on the Blackpool Tramway.


2548 approaches Arena from the direction of Beckenham Junction on 4th April 2012 in its new all over advert for Magnum Infinity. (Photo: Gareth Prior)

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3 Responses to Tramlink 2548 receives all over advert

  1. astock5000 says:

    2548 has run in an advert livery before, it advertised The Simpsons Movie in late 2007 – early 2008.

  2. Gareth Prior says:

    Thanks for that correction – somehow I missed that one!

  3. Dean Flanders says:

    Great to have something that is different from having the same livery for all of Croydon trams for the past three years, even if it is just an advertising livery on display for only for a short while. Now that the man who carried out the horrible deed of destroying Reeves furniture store is behind bars, it would be nice if House of Reeves would also suggest an advertising livery on one of the trams for promoting it’s own store! Hopefully this would perhaps help in the reconstruction of the lovely store which I had passed so many times by tram and which I miss, as we are sure that Maurice and Trevor Reeves do.
    I would wonder if there may also be a specially liveried tram by next July to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the end of London’s First Generation Trams.
    Oh, and of course, the Olympics…..

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