Here’s a summer brain teaser for you. Read on below for the chance to get the respect of other readers of these pages!
Can you name this tram? As can be seen in the below photo part of its truck is clearly stamped “Glasgow Corporation Tramways” but is that a good clue or a red herring? We’ve included part of the bottom of the tram to help you out as well!
After a lot of thought/looking at photos on internet – no idea!
Is it a model?
The “tram” does not appear to have an underframe.
99% certain it is a Horse Tram.
It matches the axle boxes of 543 at Riverside, but it’s not that (unless it’s had an unreported repaint recently)
My initial thought was something fairly recently restored that would be likely to use whatever was available, but I can’t pin it down, at least not in the UK…
I agree its clearly a horse tram – with a design of underframe similar to 543 so it sits low on the road – but otherwise ??
The paint appears fresh and the lettering cast on the axleboxes is very sharp as if they are new or have been gritblasted clean.
Is there a recognisable clue in the letters cast on the wheel spoke?
We’ll reveal the answer in the week!
This looks like a dolled up version of the car shown in – which is stated to be Leamington & Warwick 8 being delivered to Beamish.