In Pictures: T68/T68As make rare nighttime appearance at East Didsbury

In the early hours of Monday 9th September there were two unusual visitors to the South Manchester line when T68 1023 and T68A 2001 made the trip to East Didsbury to test an axle detector. Photos of these two nocturnal visitors are provided by Steve Kemp.

2001 and 1023 are seen together in the platform at East Didsbury.

Another view of the pair at East Didsbury.

2001 whilst being used on the axle counter testing.

And we conclude with another view of 1023 during the testing. (All photos: Steve Kemp)

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1 Response to In Pictures: T68/T68As make rare nighttime appearance at East Didsbury

  1. David Holt says:

    Use them regularly on the Didsbury line and they’ll be cyclically side-cutting the track like they have on Altrincham and Bury. The Metropolitan Electric Tramways had a solution to hunting at speed in 1930 – see my post made about 331 a few minutes ago under the heading “another one bites the dust”.

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