Picture in Time: Modern Electric Tramways 01

As we head back into the archives we go down to the Sussex coast for an image from Modern Electric Tramways when that was the centre of their operations.

The tram we see in this black and white image is the Mobile Shop, numbered 01. Having been built in 1960 as a flat bed works truck (with Boat Car 226 providing the chassis) this tram was rebuilt into the condition seen here in 1965 – the year this photo was taken – to provide a more secure shop which could be taken back to the safety of the depot each night. In the following 53 years the tram has come full circle as following conversion to use by the works team and then a stint as a refreshment car it is now in use as a ticket office at Riverside Depot during the redevelopment of the Seaton terminus.

Photograph by Nigel Pennick

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