Last week we brought you an extra treat in the form of the very first Video in Time and now after requests for more (well one request but that’s good enough for us!) we bring you a second part of recovered cine film from Crich in the 1960s as a special bonus Easter treat, again provided by Martin Miller.
This footage shows the primitive working conditions which existed in Crich at this time and we start off with a look at a truck being removed from under Cheltenham 21 in the middle of winter (who knows Brian Jones of Rolling Stones fame may have been there helping as he was one of the Cheltenham volunteers at this time). The first repaint of Glasgow Cunarder 1297 features as does some film work involving Blackpool cars 2 and 59 along with Glasgow 812. Two trams which are now to be found at Clay Cross also briefly feature in the form of Glasgow 1100 and Leeds 600.
Huge thanks again to Martin Miller for uploading this footage to You Tube and providing us the link – it just goes to show how things have moved on in the intervening years and we all have a lot to thank those pioneer enthusiasts for enabling us to enjoy events as we do today.
More excellent footage, nice to see Glasgow no. 1100, it has been hiding in Clay Cross store for many years.
Incredible footage. Things have certainly changed.