In Pictures: NET 202 gets a new advert

We saw a few weeks that Nottingham Express Transit 202 had been stripped of its Consent Coalition vinyls which had left the tram looking less than at its best. But its now looking a lot better following the addition of new advertising vinyls.

This is just the second time that 202 has operated out of fleet livery (the Consent Coalition promotional livery carried between March 2022 and October 2024 being the only previous occasion) and sees the tram now advertising Oxford Business College.

Its without doubt a full vinyl wrap with the complete fleet livery (and remaining Consent Coalition vinyls!) now not showing and it also includes vinyls over the majority of the windows. There is no doubt it’s a colorful design and will be pretty easy to identify when you’re out and about.

Oxford Business College have a campus on Carlton Road in Nottingham.

202 waits in the yard at Wilkinson Street Depot early morning before tram start to enter service for another busy day. The colourful vinyls help the tram stand out for its fellow fleet members. (Photograph by Neil Favell, 12th November 2024)

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