In Pictures: Trams stored in Wilkinson Street Depot yard

As with practically every modern tramway system operating in the UK, Nottingham Express Transit currently have some of their tram fleet unavailable for service. Whereas for some systems the unavailable trams are currently inside workshops in Nottingham they remain stored in the yard visible to see.

There are currently two trams in Nottingham which are stored with pantographs down – one of each model of tram. The Alstom built Citadis tram which remains stored has featured on these pages before and is 232. It has been out of use since June 2023 when it derailed at Bulwell and suffered fairly significant damage. So far, now work has been undertaken on the tram with it still sheeted over where damage occurred in the impact following the derailment.

On a recent visit to the outside of the depot it has now been joined on the same track by 202 – one of the original Bombardier Incentro vehicles. Its not know the reason for 202’s move to this area of the depot but it has had some bogie covers and the front coupler cover removed and like 232 its pantograph is currently off the wire.

202 and 232 seen here from outside the depot stored together. As can be seen from this view 202 has a Not To Be Moved sign in its cab window and has some covers removed.

Zooming in to take a look at 232 and there seems no difference since the last time we saw the tram. (Both Photographs by John Whittingham, 12th April 2024)

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