In Pictures: Another visit to Carlton Colville

On Sunday 7th May the two trams in service at the East Anglia Transport Museum were Blackpool Marton VAMBAC 11 and Sheffield 513. These two trams have now both run on the same three different tramways although the EATM is the only one they have been operational on at the same time (the other two tramways are Blackpool and Beamish, indeed 513 is still owned by Beamish but on long-term loan to Carlton Colville). In this latest pictorial article we take a look at the sights at the museum on this day including the trams in service. Stuart Cooke is our photographer.

This first photo shows Sheffield 513 standing at Chapel Road terminus with the back end of Derby trolleybus 237 alongside.

Into the woods and Sheffield 513 waits out time before heading back to the museum street.

Looking out from the original tram depot towards Chapel Road where Blackpool 11 and Sheffield 513 are joined by Derby trolleybus 237.

Inside the new (west) tram depot. The top deck of Glasgow 488, Blackpool 625 are on the left hand track and Blackpool 290 and Blackpool 726 on the right.

And the old tram depot is seen here with London Transport 1858 and Lowestoft 14 in situ. (All Photographs by Stuart Cooke, 7th May 2023)

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5 Responses to In Pictures: Another visit to Carlton Colville

  1. Geoff, IoM says:

    I reckon 513 has run on four different tramways – the fourth (or rather, first) being its home system.

    • John says:

      Correct but the article says ‘the same’ 3 tramways – so you are both correct.

      • Gareth Prior says:

        There may have been an edit of the article. Its what I meant to say but may not necessarily have said it clearer enough before the edit…

  2. Ian says:

    it has, but only on three tramways has it worked alongside 11

  3. Paul says:

    So, for complete clarity;
    513 has operated on four different tramways,
    11 has operated on three of those same four tramways,
    however, EATM is actually the first time they have been in the same place at the same time and hence the only one they could be said to have “operated alongside each other”…

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