Crich Photo line-ups: Tramcar Sponsorship Organisation – 2010

The next line-up we take a look at in this series took place in 2010 and showcased some of the trams which had recently or were about to benefit from funding from the Tramcar Sponsorship Organisation.

Part of Enthusiasts’ Day on 30th May 2010 this line-up could have had any number of trams included with the TSO having supported many a restoration/overhaul over the years. In the end five trams were selected with Blackpool 167 coming to the end of its overhaul minus fleet numbers, Sheffield 510 which was about to enter the workshops, Leeds 345, Cardiff 131 and Leeds 180.

Three fifths of the line-up is seen in this photo. We have Sheffield 510, Leeds 180 and Cardiff 131 being put into position ahead of the full line-up being formed.

Yes the sun is the wrong place causing shadows on the line-up but here in all its glory are the five trams for the TSO line-up. Since the last photo Leeds 180 has been moved further along and its place is taken by Leeds 345. Sheffield 510 and Cardiff 131 remain as they were and Blackpool 167 has also joined in. (Both Photographs by Gareth Prior)

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