Anyone found travelling on Nottingham Express Transit from Monday 21st March is being met with a zero tolerance approach and will now receive an on the spot fine of £70. From this date there will be extra staff on-board trams to monitor fare evasion and with the increase in the penalty fare rate from £50 in 2021 NET hope that this new strategy will encourage more people to buy before they board.
Tim Hesketh, Tramlink Nottingham Chief Executive, said: “With tram fares from just £1 it has never been easier to buy a ticket but a small minority of fare evaders continue to take the city and our loyal customers for a ride, so we are stepping up our efforts with a new zero-tolerance approach. A £70 fine, removal from the tram and the risk of a criminal record should be a clear deterrent to all fare evaders, and our aim is to collect fares, not fines, but we will not hesitate to penalise any passengers without a ticket. We have given fair warning on fares and our message is clear, do the right thing and buy a ticket.”
The new approach comes as passengers can now use a range of methods to buy a ticket before travel including ticket machines at all stops, the Robin Hood Smartcard and NETGO! app.
It is also planned that a percentage of the penalty fare will be donated to charity to support the Ukraine emergency.