By this time next year we will all hopefully be able to enjoy a ride on a tram up to Blackpool North Railway Station with the tramway extension currently slated for an opening in early 2022. Before that can happen though there remains some work to be completed, most notably the laying of the last sections of track on the former Wilko’s site as well as the installation of overhead along the entire length of the route. In this update we take a look at both of those projects.
The installation of the overhead is two weeks into what was originally announced as a four week project with overnight road closures in place along Talbot Road for that length of time. We are now two weeks into that expected four weeks but it would appear that a longer period will be needed as the team involved in the work are still involved in stringing span wires at the Prom end of the route.
Meanwhile, up at the other end of the route at the former Wilko’s site the past week or so has seen the concrete track base being extended and more track being brought onto site and stacked on the foundations in readiness for its installation. The recently laid concrete base has been started from the very end of the line and doesn’t quite reach where the track had previously been laid over the past few weeks so there does remain a gap between the two sections although presumably this will follow shortly.

The scene on the Prom around where the north curve onto Talbot Road is. Looking up we can see the span wires which have been installed here so far.

The “classic” view up at Wilko’s where the tracks already embedded in the road surface meet those rails which have recently been started to be laid within the actual worksite.