Since the Manx Electric Railway ran for the last time in early November the workshops at Derby Castle have been a hive of activity getting the fleet ready for another season with particular emphasis being on the 125th Anniversary events in September. There are more repaints this winter – to follow from those completed last winter to show several historic liveries not seen for several years – whilst there is also further attention to the major restoration of Ratchet Car 14.
The main repaint news to report is that on Winter Saloon 19 which is currently receiving attention and a new paint job. This car will be completed in original Douglas, Laxey and Ramsey Electric Tramway livery for 2018 and to this end work has started on preparing 19 for a full repaint. Entering the workshops in December 2017 recent weeks have seen the first parts of its livery applied to the car.
Also due to receive a repaint is Trailer 51 which is being repainted in the livery which it carried in the early 1900s. This will enable the trailer to match Ratchet Car 14 once the restoration of the motor is completed.
And talking of 14 its restoration is continuing at Derby Castle with the car due to be ready in time for the 125th Anniversary events in September (1st to 8th if you hadn’t realised yet!). Recent progress on 14 has included the start of installation of electrical equipment.
For full and regular updates of progress with these jobs on the Manx Electric Railway visit the Facebook pages of Manx Electric Railway Museum and Manx Electric