And we come to the end of our very first world tour of trams with another trip to the Swiss system of Basel.
5028 is seen here in an advertising livery for IWB on 3rd October 2017. This tram is part of the city operator BVB fleet and is seen running up Aeschenvorstrat working route 3 from Bugfelden Grenze to Birsfeldenhard. The tram is a Bombardier Flexity built within the last 18 months.
And that is that for this series. We hope you have enjoyed this departure from our norm over the past month and it does seem to have been popular with some of our readership. As a result we will be taking another world trip during 2018 and are looking for more contributions to enable us to do this. Please email them to the usual address and as I have very little knowledge of trams from outside of the UK if you do send any contributions through please include as much detail as possible.
I have really enjoyed this series and also the one on tram loans. Thanks for going to the trouble, at this very busy time of year, to share them with us and I wish you and all who use this site a very happy new year.