In Pictures: Edinburgh Trams 275

As mentioned in our report last on the opening date for Edinburgh Trams, CAF built 275 has had vinyls applied advertising the start date of 31st May. The tram will carry these – which include details of a hashtag they want people to use on Twitter: #readytoroll – at least up until the opening of the line. With thanks to Alasdair McFarlane we are able to bring you an image of the tram on test at Gyle tramstop.

275 is seen on 2nd May 2014 at Gyle tramstop showing off its new window vinyls telling people exactly when they will be able to enjoy a ride on board. (Photo: Alasdair McFarlane)

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3 Responses to In Pictures: Edinburgh Trams 275

  1. Michael MacKenzie says:

    Hurrah Edinburgh rolls at last May the system be so successful that it is extended soon and starts in Glasgow too!!

  2. john caldwell says:

    This is emu or at very least a triple bendy bus on a railway track! Itis not a tram!
    Or is it a blind I in train?

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