Senior figures in the UK light rail sector have recently heard from the Light Rail Safety and Standards Board (LRSSB) how work to incorporate statutory health and safety reports into a fully integrated light rail incident database is progressing well.
The LRSSB have been working in recent months on upgrades to its Tram Accident and Incident Reporting Systems (TAIR) that will enable operators to upload documents relating to the Reporting of Incidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). Members of their Executive Group were recently given an update on the project which has seen the LRSSB working alongside colleagues at the Office of Rail and Road.
Carl Williams, LRSSB Chief Executive, commented: “A trial of the integrated system is also underway at West Midlands Metro. Should it prove successful, we would expect the upgrade to be rolled out to other networks over the coming months.
“By using TAIR to submit monthly RIDDOR reports to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), operators should benefit from a streamlined system that puts all safety-related reporting within one comprehensive portal that’s accessible through our online Safety Hub.”
The same meeting also heard updates on other LRSSB projects, including a national pedestrian safety campaign and plans for a sector-wide Learning Management System that has the potential to help standardize skills training across the sector.