Manchester Metrolink Then & Now: Cross Street

Its another edition of “Manchester Metrolink Then & Now” and we continue our look around the newest section of city centre track – 2CC.

Coming from the direction of St Peter’s Square after 2CC has run along Princess Street it takes a sharp right turn into Cross Street as it continues its way along the route of the line which eventually comes back to Victoria.

As always we start with a before Metrolink came along image and this one was captured on 14th October 2014. We’re just over two and a half years before trams would start running here and there is little indication of what is to come.

But almost 10 years later and there is certainly an indication that trams now run here, no more so than 3030 which is working a service on the route as it turns into Cross Street. Businesses may come and go but Johnsons Specialist Cleaning is still on the corner of the street. (Both Photographs by Keith Chadbourne)

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